Yes, this is true, and no catch at all! All our services from installation & onboarding, to routine maintenance, troubleshooting and cash loading are completely free! We are compensated on the back and front end of every transaction by processing networks. We receive a small portion on the back end in the form of “interchange” and a small portion on the front end to cover our operating costs.

We set up a quick phone call or video meeting, whichever you prefer. During the meeting we discuss the business to determine your exact needs. After we gather all the relevant information we deliver and install either the ATM or POS system or both! And that is it. You are ready to go! You can book your call/meeting here

Of course! Our clients who have a high volume of daily transactions are eligible to receive a percentage split on a transaction basis. This is usually one month after installation, as by this time we have accurate data to support the average monthly transaction volume. Once our operating costs our covered we can discuss fee splitting with the merchants. Many of our clients are currently benefiting from fee splitting!

Excellent question! Our ATM services are next to none, due to our hassle-free onboarding process, seamless communication, and 24/7 availability should the merchant experience any technical difficulties with our machines. Our fee-splitting is also far above what most companies provide if they provide it at all. Our POS devices are really on the forefront of payment processing technology, specifically for the Cannabis Industry. The API integration, 100% settlement rate with your bank, reduction in charge backs, perfect balance between POS register and cash till and ability to leverage for additional passive incomes makes for a must-have perfect package for any merchant!

From the day you place the call and give us all the relevant information, the lead time is typically 1-2 weeks until the system is up and running. In many cases it can be shorter too!


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